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October 23rd - 26th
Blue Army Shrine
Asbury, NJ
The Metuchen Cursillo Movement holds Men and Women's Weekends.
March 8th, Saturday, Saint Bernard's , Bridgewater, 9AM
The Ultreyas are held on the second Saturday of every month after the 9:00 A.M. mass at St. Bernard's in Bridgewater, NJ.
March 3rd, Monday, Saint Matthias Parish, JFK Blvd. Somerset, 6pm
The School of Leaders meetings are held the first Monday of every month except July and December at 6:00 P.M. at St. Matthias Parish Center in Somerset, NJ.
March 6th, at AVE 199 Pierce St. Somerset, 5pm
Members of the Secretariat meet the first Thursday of every month at 199 Pierce St., NJ except July and December.
Welcome to the website for the Metuchen Cursillo Movement. The Cursillo experience is one that will enhance your spiritual life and growth for a lifetime. This website will answer some of your questions about how the Cursillo method works, however it is best to talk with a person who has attended a Cursillo weekend and has personal experiences to share.
Many Catholics have lived and grown through the Cursillo Weekend and have experienced a progressive transformation in their spiritual life. I invite you to explore the possibilities for yourself and if interested, please email us for further information.
We who have made the Cursillo are praying for you that Our Lord opens new doors of growth and most importantly Joy in His Glory!
God Love You,
Bill Grippo
Diocesan Coordinator / Metuchen Cursillo Movement
Cursillo is at the tip of the spear for the New Evangelization.
Christ is calling you to experience the Good News and become His
living witnesses in the world!
Spiritual Advisor
Metuchen Cursillo Movement
The Most Reverend James F. Checchio was ordained and installed as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of Metuchen in 2016. In December, 2018, Bishop Checchio launched a Year of Awakening in the Diocese of Metuchen, NJ, which launched a year-long preparation for Consecration to Jesus through Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Highlights of the year include a 9 mile walking pilgrimage in honor of St. Juan Diego, who walked 9 miles regularly to learn the Catholic faith. Several Cursillistas journeyed with over 700 pilgrims through the streets and roads in Hunterdon County.
In October 2019, 78 pilgrims from the diocese joined Bishop Checchio on a fabulous 3 day trip to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. Of the 78, 10 were Cursillistas, including 3 priests and 1 deacon.
We are honored to share part of our journey with the Shepherd of our Diocese and we are grateful for Bishop Checchio’s ongoing support of the Cursillo Movement!
My name is Denik Joseph. I live in Somerset with my wife Iris and 5 kids. I did my Cursillo in the fall of 2024 (October men’s weekend.). This was held at a wonderful house of prayer and I had an amazing experience at the retreat. I enjoyed every bit of it.
Just to give a little background, I have been a regular cradle Catholic, going to Sunday mass, altar serving etc. However, when I look back, I was doing all that just out of tradition or maybe do better than my other catholic friends.
But yes, I surely was trying to find Christ during this journey.
I also used to go with my grandmother to daily Mass, only because I had to accompany her. However when I was a teenager I started reading other religions and studied most of them. Of course, I could never accept any of them, but it did instill a set of doubts on many of the doctrines in Christianity at that time.
One good thing that happened though in this faith journey was that the Lord blessed me with my wonderful wife Iris who helped me come closer to Christ and build a relationship with him.
My wife wanted to do a lot in the Lords service but interestingly enough God blessed her with five kids and that’s her main vocation for now. Our good Lord on the other hand called me to do his work. Even though I went initially just to do somethings as a duty, I started getting more involved for the needs of His people.
I always wanted to do a lot of things in ministry but never had the courage and my biggest problem was, I used to procrastinate.
But now specially after the Cursillo I am convinced that the Lord had chosen me for a bigger purpose. That is one of the reasons he has saved me from death multiple times, 1st from a deadly road accident in my childhood, a probable plane crash and some more. However I did not realize what the Lord was doing for me until I was saved early last year from my deathbed and then from severe depression.
After he took me out of all this I finally understood what the Lord had done for me. Till recently I was only receiving.
The Lord said to his disciples when he commission them “Freely ye have received, freely give” and I was not obeying the Lord till I became sick.
When I was going through my sickness I finally started praying for others, still notopenly thou. Reading the bible constantly helped me come closer to Christ.
After my healing my Lord decided to fully get me into his army and he sent Bill Grippo my way early in 2024 to start getting me for the Cursillo men’s weekend. This weekend was more than a retreat for me, and it changed my life.
Before this retreat I was a person who would not speak to anyone. Little did I know that the Lord wanted me to meet these 15 or so wonderful new brothers in Christ whom I will always cherish throughout my life. Cursillo also made me realize that I need to give back to the body of Christ completely and embark upon this journey to give it all back with courage, boldness and faith.
Our Lord helped me with a couple of the initiatives, and he helped me find the path to go on.
I had started a prayer group a few years ago as I had a desire to study the Bible and the Cursillo helped me find a new meaning to our faith sharing.
Cursillo also helped me start and lead other Men’s ministry. The Lord made way through our parish priest to start a men’s ministry in our parish and also another one in Divine Retreat center, Easton, PA (which is mostly run through zoom as we have about 20+ men who join from across different states.
We gather and discuss various topics, and I feel it has opened the door for me to reachout to men in need, help them come closer to Christ and know Him better. I have been able to just pray for people who are going though situation like grief, pain, suffering and healing.
One person going through difficult situation with his wife going through surgery and complications. I used to speak to him and he would speak to me of all the things goingon with his wife and the pain she is going through . I met him every weekend and kept check in on his wife and used to pray with him. The prayers comforted him and he got a chance to talk his heart out. I never had that kind of heart or patience before to listen to anyone.
I was able to help someone who lost their loved one through prayer and was able tocomfort and speak to him. I was also able to go another mile as the Lord says to dosomething for him which I would not have done before.
A lady in church mentioned she had fallen and worried she may have fractured herhand as her sister also fell down that morning and had a fracture. I decided to just pray for her that very moment in the sacristy and couple of other parishioners joined me in praying along with me and she felt a calm and peace. I would never have done this before the Cursillo weekend.
This year I also got a Bible in a year group started in my prayer group in the New Year.
I also read a few books , one of them was called Jesus Shock by Peter Kreft whichshowed how to look at the person of Christ with admiration and amazement. It gave me a new meaning to worship and the Eucharist.
The other was “I heard God laugh by Mathew Kelly which showed me ways to start praying and creating a habit of daily prayer which of course became easy with the Pilgrims guide that I carry everywhere I go and this book also showed the nature of our Father. – Mathew Kelly
And all of this came through the gift of Piety and gift of Courage the Holy Spirit poured on me during the Cursillo weekend.
I am still growing and coming closer to Christ every day in the journey, however I know I have the courage to go forward and give it all back to my fellow brothers.
The Metuchen Cursillo Movement held Women's Weekend # 30
at the beautiful Blue Army Shrine in Washington, NJ in April 2024.
We welcome our new sisters!
Pictured above are the new Cursillistas, Team, and Lay Coordinator Bill Grippo.
Pictured are the team and candidates for the The Metuchen Men's Cursillo Weekend held on October 17-21st, 2024 at the Loyola Retreat House, Morristown, NJ.
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