The Cursillo Movement is not an organization, but uses certain organizational elements in order to function and to achieve its purpose. The purpose or goal of the Cursillo Movement is to Christianize Environments. In order to have this effect on environments, the Cursillo strives to provide understanding and conviction to individuals about what is necessary for being a Christian, and to strengthen individuals so they may live out that conviction, supported by a Christian Community.  

The work of the Cursillo in a diocese requires coordination by a small group of clergy and lay men and women called the Secretariat. A typical Secretariat consists of the Lay Director, the Spiritual Director, the Treasurer, Secretary, and the Chairpersons of the Precursillo, Cursillo, Postcursillo. The Secretariat is responsible for all aspects of the Cursillo, although it delegates work to the various committees. The Secretariat oversees and reviews the work of the committees.




Bill Grippo,
Diocesan Coordinator 
St Matthias,

Linda Ambrosio,

St John the Evangelist, Dunellen

Ronnie Collingwood,
Pre-Cursillo Chairperson

Mary, Mother of God,

Denyse Giannone,
Cursillo Chairperson
Interim Secretary

St John Vianney,

Ken Wolfram,
Post-Cursillo Chairperson

Our Lady of Peace,

Mary Wolfram,
School of Leaders

Our Lady of Peace,



All members of the Secretariat are required to adhere to the guidelines of the Metuchen Cursillo Movement and the Articles of Service.  In addition, they are required to sign the following pledge:  

Secretariat Pledge

I understand and agree to the following:

1. The Metuchen Cursillo Movement is a member of, and participates in the Regional and National Cursillo organizations,

2. To follow Regional and National guidelines of operation,

3. That the Metuchen Cursillo Movement operates within the Diocese having members from different parishes across the Diocese,

4. That the Lay Director of the Cursillo Movement is appointed by the Bishop of Metuchen and follows the guidance of the Spiritual Advisor of the Metuchen Cursillo Movement. 


     Member  Name

